Well, my life isn't too exciting right now...eat sleep and work ...that's pretty much it. I decided to jump on the blogging bandwagon because I find my friend Jenny's (sorry i have called you jenny since I was little and can't get used to Jen) blog so fun to read! one day my life will be more exciting im sure hahaha. Currently, it is raining here in Evansville, IN and I am stuck at home with no car...my Z got a flat tire the other day :( it is getting fixed for the small fee of $1000...ridiculous...for 4 little circles of rubber. haha That's what I get for having my dream car I guess.
Yay for starting a blog! :) I don't mind that you still call me Jenny - my whole family still calls me Jenny, too. :) Cute Background, by the way. I like it.