So, I don't have any kids to brag about like my friends, but I do have my lil Shih Tzu Sage! He might as well be a child because he thinks he is human. Here are a few fun tidbits so you can get to know him:
1. He is addicted to McDonalds french fries
2. If he thinks you are mad at him, he will pretend he is going to puke so that you hug him and tell him its ok.
3. He can never been cuddled close enough.
4. When you come home he shakes with excitement until you lay on the floor and let him jump up on you and give you hugs and kisses.
5. His best friend is my mom's dog Toby...but please dont say that name around him unless we are going to see him in the next 5 minutes!
6. He knows how to sit, shake, give high fives, lay down, and stand pretty...most the time he will do them all in a row really fast so he can get a treat faster....he is still scared to roll over
7. He knocks at the door if he wants to go out of in...he particularly likes to knock on my moms old neighbor ladys door...run into her kitchen...grab a treat...and run back out. haha
8. he likes his hair hanging over his eyes, i will pull it back and he will spend all day trying to get it back in his face...hes a jamaican dog with his dreads :)
9. He doesn't need a leash, he follows us everywhere without one...unless someone shows up with mcdonalds fries...hold him back!
10. He is scared of shadows and things in the night, such as bushes,trees, and snowmen...i think this is because Dru used to try to scare him at night when he came home from work...how mean!